All About Relationships

Pt. 2 Leveling Up - Internal Dialogue

Episode Summary

Leveling Up! PART TWO Most people love the feeling of accomplishment. Progress, motivation, and challenges can lead to areas of leveling up and the reward for our investment brings us to the life we’ve always wanted. Here are some more nuggets of wisdom that have really inspired us in our journey, and highly affected our relationships.

Episode Notes

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#5 Internationalize your Internal Dialogue

Don’t listen to yourself, talk to yourself.  

Life is shaped by your thoughts, so changing your thoughts hugely affects your relationships. Understanding the creative power of our thoughts as they’re aligned with God’s thoughts is a game-changer and it’s a developed skill worth pursuing!

#6 Ask for God’s Perspective

Every time we humble ourselves and ask and are teachable, we open the gateway to hearing God’s perspective.

#7 Everything has something to teach me

Most desire a life that is sweet and simple, but the paradox is, if we look for happiness we won’t find it, yet if we seek wisdom, and his Kingdom, happiness finds us!

#8 Draw energy from the beauty around you

We must recognize the energy sources available to us, and receive rejuvenation and refreshing as much as possible!


Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.