All About Relationships

170 / Courage in Vulnerability

Episode Summary

We continue our journey down a pathway of discovery for better communication, connection and an attunement of harmony in our relationships. If there’s one thing we share, it’s that at our deepest level, we really want to be known, found and understood by others. When you feel misunderstood, you can feel frustrated, upset and hopeless…and it’s even worse during times of conflict. So today we want to find some whole-hearted vulnerability. This allows us to be truly known by others. This journey of vulnerability is a courageous one…but one worth taking. It’s much easier to blame or attack our loved ones for the problems in our relationship’s rather than express how we really feel. We can learn ways to speak in a gentle and open way that allows us to attune ourselves to each other where we find harmony in the song we sing in life!

Episode Notes

Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.